
Livraison offerte dès 89€ d'achat en point relais

Alu shoe Eventer front 2 clips ST CROIX FORGE


Ultra light, totally bevelled outer rim to facilitate breaking over.

Référence : FEVALUA0

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This shoe has similar dimensions and shape as steel Future. Comes with a steel alloy insert. Easy to forge both hot and cold (T° maxi 420°C). American type nail holes ASM 4.5. Very good wear resistance.


Look out ! Prices indicated for a unit but horseshoes sold only in pairs.

This shoe has similar dimensions and shape as steel Future. Comes with a steel alloy insert. Easy to forge both hot and cold (T° maxi 420°C). American type nail holes ASM 4.5. Very good wear resistance.


Look out ! Prices indicated for a unit but horseshoes sold only in pairs.

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