totoEquipak sole protection VETTEC firm support

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Equipak sole protection VETTEC firm support

Référence : VettecEQUIPAK210
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Liquid urethane to be applied directly to the sole and the fork. Sets in 25 seconds. Can be used with or without a pad.

Provides support and protection for horses with thin soles and flat feet. Absorbs shocks and blows.

Prevents injuries or protects horses' feet.

Ready to use, resistant and impervious to debris and moisture. 

Cartridge of 210ml.  Sold without nozzle.

Liquid urethane to be applied directly to the sole and the fork. Sets in 25 seconds. Can be used with or without a pad.

Provides support and protection for horses with thin soles and flat feet. Absorbs shocks and blows.

Prevents injuries or protects horses' feet.

Ready to use, resistant and impervious to debris and moisture. 

Cartridge of 210ml.  Sold without nozzle.

Category Resin Brand VETTEC

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